This was my first character in FFXIV
Lorebreaking character!

Allie Capone

An old woman with lots of history.

Who is Allie?

Allie Capone is a Miqo'te Sun Seeker raised by two Elezen ladies deep within the forest of The Shroud in a small quaint cabin. Most of her childhood was considered to be sheltered, for she never knew the dangers outside of their small home. Allie's origins are questionable, but her parents would say she was found literally upon their doorstep. No note, no sign of who, or what may have brought her.

Looks great for being old...

Despite her current appearance, Allie is actually only thirty-seven years old. However, to make things easier on people, she says she's sixty-nine years old. For it is a lot harder to explain the real reason. That the use of her abilities reduce her lifespan, thus causing some aging to occur. Thus, Allie stopped using her powers, except when in dire need.

What are her powers then?

To put it simply, Aether Manipulation without a catalyst down to the smallest of detail. Conjuring up anything from simply thin air. Not using the surrounding aether to conjure it, no. Simply from nothing, or so it seems. However, she uses this for good, or at least, to comfort others. In her younger days, she used her powers to manipulate memories, even erase them from someone's mind completely. The side effect of such, is the memory lives within Allie.

Allie now?

As of now she contains memories of several people's most undesirable memories. Using majority of her willpower to focus on the now and not the past. Allie is using her older appearance to claim retirement, and enjoy life with her loved one. A certain Miqo'te Maid.

Allie Capone

Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'te Sun Seeker
Age: 37(69)
Bust: D
Height: 6'1 ft
Occupation: Retired
Eye Color (Her left): Royal Blue
Eye Color (Her right): Ice Blue
Hair Color (Primary): Silvery gray
Hair Color (Highlights): Blue